After God's Own Heart Ministries

After God's Own Heart Ministries

Our Mission: To reach the world for Christ through the medium of the internet and other social media.

Prayer For Today – 9/10/2014

September 10, 2014 | Comments Off on Prayer For Today – 9/10/2014

Father God, I’m asking You today, to heal the broken hearted and touch those who are wounded in spirit…Please uplift those who are hurting and those that feel alone…Please comfort them and let then know that You are going to bring them thru…but most of all, Please impress upon their hearts, just how much they mean to You. That although they may have experienced loss, that You want the best for them and for them not to give up…Lord God, WE NEED YOU!!!  Thank You for all that You’ve done and for what You are doing right now…It is in Jesus name that I pray, Amen.

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