After God's Own Heart Ministries

After God's Own Heart Ministries

Our Mission: To reach the world for Christ through the medium of the internet and other social media.

Bambi’s Heart to Yours

All of the posts under the "Bambi’s Heart to Yours" category.

These Are The Results

I had a vision. I was driving down the street and saw a woman walking around in her home with a broken spirit. She is smart, has all types of degrees, is a peak performer at her job and holds a top position. But, in her home when no one was around, she was torn and depressed. As she walked slowly throughout her home, head hung down, she looked back over her life.

Her history was traumatic. She had been sexually abused, exposed to a lot of trauma and severely mistreated at the hands of those she trusted. Being raised in the church, she had begun to trust the Lord but soon lost her connection with Him. She turned to alternative religions and paths that opposed the Christian faith in which she was raised. Desperate to escape her pain, she created a false image of herself. At work, she was skilled, confident, and personable, but when alone at home, she was defeated, depressed with thoughts of suicide. She was confronted with the reality of her tormented past, without any viable repost. The identity she was able to portray at work, was not sufficient to sustain her destroyed self-esteem at home.

These are the results of abuse, neglect, and fear.

You see, if the devil fears anything, it is the future you and what God has planned to do through you. The enemy wants to discourage and disrupt your progress towards being who God created you to be. So Satan sows seeds of self-doubt. Seeds that can be carried throughout and impact virtually every area of your life.

Without God’s help, many will surrender their true identity in order to cope with deep-seated pain. We will put on a mask to conceal old but still-painful wounds so that people may see a more beautiful, successful and powerful person —a person that we are unable to see for ourselves, but one that we desperately create in an attempt to fit in with society. We will turn away from what God says about us and become what the world says is more acceptable.


But know this beloved: God is calling us out of all the self-made tombs that we have accepted for our lives. He’s calling us out of the darkness and the very painful chains that bind and distract us. He will show us what it means to live free in Him. He will give us a new identity and the confidence to live in it as He mends our broken hearts.

Psalm 34:18 NIV The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

We can stand against pleasing our flesh, the devil and this world’s agenda, by simply trusting in who God says we are.

James 4:17 NIV Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

To the Church: “These Are the Results”

In my frustration about what is happening in some churches and with its leaders, the Lord allowed me to see and understand that if we don’t recognize the results, then we won’t understand how to fight to be free of them. The results that I’m speaking of is when leadership lacks truth, love, and order, we create church members who are simply religious, without a true relationship with Christ. This often turns nonbelievers away who don’t care to participate in what they see as hypocrisy.

We have many great leaders among us, however, too many are more concerned about their image, church rosters and/or financial success. This leads to ineffective and powerless sermons and teachings that compromises the very power, strength and saving Grace of God’s Word.

All too often the body of Christ has come under attack because of those who use the house of God as just another social club to alleviate their loneliness and boredom. But the Word of God makes it clear the role of the Church Leaders.

Proverbs 27:23 NLT Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds;

Jesus is calling for Christian leaders to follow Him and to speak the truth in love, without compromising it in order to avoid offending anyone. We are to put our trust in Him— not in numbers — and believe that He will provide everything that is needed. Leadership is responsible for teaching the truth as well as living it. As leaders, we have to be serious about God’s Kingdom business and not religious busy-ness.

1 Timothy 3:2 NIV 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.

Many church members have relinquished the responsibility of their relationship with the Lord and knowing His word, giving this work totally over to the church. This has resulted in fickleness, inadequate power, ineffectual prayer, and instability. Hebrews 10:25 encourages the gathering together of saints but that is not where it stops. Christians, we are to study daily as well as teach those in our care the word of God. No one can eat once a week and be sustained. As with Christians, we must continue to feast on the word of God every day. When we neglect to read and meditate on the word of God, this weakens our spirits and allows the flesh to take control.

Jeremiah 15:16 NKJV 16 Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.

We must be willing to look in the mirror and get real with ourselves. We have to allow God to penetrate those painful areas that we’ve attempted to hide and hold back. We need to understand that anything that we hold on to, is the very thing that the enemy will use to target and distract us. Obedience must become non-negotiable to us. Children of God, I encourage you to get to know God for yourselves. Pray for those in authority. Lift each other and live God’s truth before everyone.

Jesus is calling for nonbelievers to put their trust in Him alone and to yield their lives to Him based on His love and truth. He loves you so much that He died for you. I can agree that there are those in the church who seem to be living different lives from what they profess. There will be many who profess to know Him. This can be disappointing and discouraging but nevertheless, God’s word is still true.

Titus 1: 16 NIV 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.

Also, please understand that there are many who aren’t playing with God but are simply struggling in different areas and could be in the process of change. Don’t run from God because of them. Run to Him because of Jesus. We are all in need of God’s strength to stand. I’m praying that you will come to know Him for yourselves.

Altar Call to Alter Your Path

These are the results, but it’s not the end. There is hope.

Do you desire the real thing? To no longer live a façade? Will you volunteer to shed your robe of comfort in exchange for pain — on purpose? Are you ready to be someone who no longer wants just a surface relationship, who runs to the throne of grace to surrender all to God?

My prayers are with you.

Your sister in Christ,


Get In The Bush

Genesis 22:13 (NIV) Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son.

How many of you know that Jesus didn’t save us just for ourselves? In other words, He wants to use you.

If we don’t get in the bush, we will stand by and WATCH Isaac die.

There was a story that God had given me to explain this to one of my children. It was about a new warden of a prison. He was strange to most because of how he operated. This warden wasn’t so concerned about the prisoners being locked up. His concern was more about how he could get them to be free.

The new warden made an announcement, that for one day between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m., he would open every cell door as he walked through the entire prison. He told them, that any prisoner who comes and gets behind him and follows him out of the prison will be set free and their records expunged. Many speculated if this could actually be real or just a test.

The day had arrived for this to happen and at noon all the doors opened and the warden began his walk. Many of the prisoners ran out and started fighting each other. Some started grabbing as much stuff as they could steal and ran back to their cell to hide it. A lot of the gangs took this opportunity to try to kill rival gangs. Out of 500 prisoners only 13 walked behind the warden.

Most of the prisoners never even left their cells. They were making fun of the ones walking with the warden telling them that this is just a set up, a joke, and that they were being tricked. One of the guys following the warden begged his friend to come out of his cell and come with them, but he shook his head and told him “he was a fool to believe this stuff.” Others spit at and threw things at the warden and the prisoners following him, calling them “sell outs.”

…3:58 p.m. had come and before you knew it, the warden and the followers neared the exit. At 3:59 p.m., all the guards were ordered to put any prisoners who hadn’t followed the warden back into their cells. When 4:00 p.m. came, as the followers began to exit the prison, a few prisoners yelled from their cells, “Wait! I didn’t think this was real. Please let me go too.” They desperately screamed, “Just walk through again and this time I promise I’ll follow you out.”

But the doors slammed shut.

The warden then looked at the prisoners who followed him out and told them, “Just as promised, you are all free and your records have been expunged. I just have one request from you.”

They all replied, “Anything man you name it. You just got us out of there, you just set us free.”

He said, “I know this is going to sound crazy…”

“Excuse me,” one of the freed prisoners interrupted the warden, so happy that he was free, and eagerly said, “Crazy, no sir. Ask anything, I’ll do it.” The warden continued: “I want you to go back in there and tell them the same thing I told you. That by my authority, the gates will be open for two hours this time and if they follow you to the exit door where I’ll be waiting, that they will also be free.”

Gratitude suddenly changed to fear. The gentleman who was previously so eager asked the warden was he crazy. They all started to gripe and complain. One said,  “I’m free now. I don’t want to go back in there.” Another said, “They had their chance, but they didn’t care so why should I.”  A few asked the warden, “Didn’t you see them killing each other in there? Don’t you care about what happens to us? Didn’t you hear them making fun of you? What makes you think that they will listen to us if they didn’t even believe you? They are going to reject us!”

The warden answered, “We have cameras and security. I will watching you the entire time. I know that they ignored and made fun of me but I still want them to be free. Yes, you will all be taking a huge risk by putting your life on the line. But think about it–it was the same thing I just did for you.”

Out of the 13 men only two stepped forward. One of the two men said, “How can I not go back? How can I not show others the way out? How can I not risk it all for those still imprisoned and for a warden who risked it all for me. How can I not!!”

Ezekiel 3:18  (NIV)  When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for[a] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

So many of us have been saved and set free, but we sit on the sidelines of fear, hide behind fear of rejection, fill our lives with programs, all in hopes that we look holy enough to cover up our disobedience.

Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh. He had his reasons and concerns.

Matthew 4:19 tells us: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

WE are the sacrifice. WE are the ram in the bush, but most bushes are empty. The harvest is ripe but the labors are few. We don’t like the idea of being uncomfortable. The idea of being rejected has made us chameleons. Blending in with the crowd, changing with every conversation as the need to fit in grows far faster than the desire to stand out for God’s glory.

Some have even taken what God has said out of context.

Hebrews 10:25 tells us to come together to encourage each other while we continue to fish. But we get comfortable right there. We would rather fish each other because there is no risk in dealing with people who already agree with you.

Also, Jesus responded to those who questioned why he was spending time with those who were considered outsiders.

Mark 2:16-17 (NASB)  When the scribes of the Pharisees saw that He was eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they said to His disciples, “Why is He eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners?”  And hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

You who are already “well,” stop fishing each other and get in the bush. I know it hurts, you keep getting pricked, and it’s so painfully uncomfortable at times. But ask yourself: Why are you living and for whom do you live?

We are quick to say, “Send me Lord I’ll go.” But when the assignment arrives we hesitate. We choose ourselves over God in our denial to be obedient to Him. We rationalize this decision to disobey by displaying our overflowing works (that we hand-picked, by the way), by believing that the assignment is just too difficult. We don’t want to fan the flames of disappointment in relationships. In other words, we don’t want to be disliked by anyone, even at the very price of their soul.

So we sit and watch numerous “Isaacs” die as we maintain our great image in the eyes of man. We watch our friends, loved ones, coworkers, and others that God brings across our path, perish and drift away into a darkness from which there is no return, because we refuse to get in the bush.

God has called you to a place of discomfort that will cause many to be saved and set free, but you must be willing to choose God over yourself. You must volunteer to serve God in the presence of pain and disappointment, while trusting that He will work everything together for your good and His glory.

Take your position child of God. Your assignment awaits you.

Isaac lived, because there was A RAM IN THE BUSH!

In Christ,


We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood…

It’s sad how we allow the enemy to continue to guide us into hate.  We can’t seem to see past our pain, our selfishness nor our fears.

But we have a lot of energy to fight each other. 

You have one race, busy trying to keep other races from getting what they feel belongs to them.  You have another race trying to get a piece of what they feel should have been part of theirs a long time ago.  When in reality nothing belongs to any of them.

It all belongs to God and the devil knows this, but he’s convinced a lot of us to do what he did, which was try and take what belongs to God.  He wants to rule over everything. He wants to be king, but there is and only will be ONE true KING…Jesus!

We’re all fighting a cause.  Busy, busy fighting a cause…created by our own fears, ignorance and hatred.  So busy with everything but calling on the name of God. 

And God said, if my people would call on my name and turn from their wicked ways,  I will heal their land.(Jeremiah 29:11)

People of all races please listen!  The devil is not prejudice against any of us. He equally hates us all. And any distraction that will keep our minds so busy and off of God, he will use. It doesn’t matter what it is. You name it and he will use it against us.  He is the great Instigator, the Deceiver.  Pitting us against one another, using the dumbest reasons and fears in which we eagerly fall for.  We are so busy fighting each other we can’t see clear enough to turn to God.  We are just simply busy, but for what? 

People, we have an expiration date and the enemy seems to know this better than we do.  Our time here is short and we have a choice to make…either heaven or hell. Do you really think the devil is going to sit back and let that choice be easy for you?  No he’s coming in hard with all types of tricks and distractions that he will continue to use, just long enough for us to run out of time and not make a sound choice to follow Jesus.  He will try to damage us so badly, that we won’t even want Jesus or even consider His love and sacrifice for us.

My brothers and sisters, I promise you that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spirits of wickedness….. (Ephesians 6:12)

We are being influence by the enemy. He can’t make us do anything, but he instigates, whispers lies, tempts, and draws us into mess, while laughing at us all the way.

We don’t have to do it. We don’t have to give in to the enemy’s lies. We don’t have to listen.  We can rebuke him and turn away from his suggestions. 

People, when will we stand up as one nation under God?

I will tell you it will be when we quit allowing the enemy to take ahold of our minds and use them as foolishly as he wants, treating us like puppet dolls. It will be when we give our minds whole heartedly over to God.  Then and only then, will we see each other as God sees us. Then we will love each other as God loves us.

But right now too many of us are blind and will swear we can see crystal clear, but of course that’s what the enemy wants us to think. 

Again he is going to try to make us choose hell by a number of events that happen in our life.  Life here will never be easy because we gave up easy a long time ago when this same enemy came around lying to us back in the Garden and we believed him.  So now we have it hard because we allowed the tricks of the enemy to cause us to give up our blessings of ease and contentment.

We have one time to get this right.  One life to live here on earth to choose our eternal destination.  We are here not to live it up or to turn up as much as we can.

We are here to choose. 

The enemy knows this and so the lying whispers will keep coming… “Go ahead and kill him he’s not like you. Go ahead and cheat, no one will know. Go ahead and pretend to like them, its ok to really hate them deep down”. 

We must wake up! Wake up to the truth of God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

But unfortunately, we are wide awake in a deep sleep full of lies.

Lord God help us all. We all need You.

The devil knows we will reap what we sow. He knows that we have to answer to God for the mess we allow him to get us into. But I want you to understand that we have a loving, forgiving and caring Father who wants to forgive you of everything that you have done.  He loves you more than anyone could. He loves us unconditionally. 

I bow before my lord and Savior Jesus and I humbly ask you Lord to help our nation.  We are all seeing things so differently.  Please help us to come together as one under your love and direction. Please open up our minds to our true enemy so that we may stop hurting each other and began to love one another as you have instructed us to do.  Lord I thank you for getting a hold of my mind and heart.  I am forever grateful.  I love You and I will continue to pray for our nation. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If You Gave Them To God…Leave Them With God


You’ve talked to those you love and given them the truth. You’ve even bailed them out when they did not listen. And so now, you’ve been fasting for days and praying for weeks. You’ve cried out to God to please help my loved ones. And you even rejoiced because you believed God would.

So now here comes the storms of change…Here comes the pain of rearrange…Followed by the cries of those we love saying, “I can’t handle the things I brought on myself…can you now (mommy, daddy, husband, wife, granny, sister, brother, etc.), take the wheel or foot the bill?

And suddenly we feel…wait a minute God, I didn’t know You was gone to allow that to happen in their life? That’s not what I meant when I asked you to help them… ( they can’t handle that ). Let me tweak this thing and help You out with them. They’re crying out to me!  They need me!


That’s too much on them. I’m not trying to be their god (( oh really? )), but I can’t stand to see them suffering. So now, you take matters into your own hands, intervene and think you have fixed it and 3 weeks later they’re right back at it again. The same old cry, the same old problems, the same old, same old.

Listen can’t nobody touch, heal, save, or change like GOD can. HE doesn’t need your help only your trust. So pray and quickly move out of the way and trust that GOD has the best plan for their life.

He saved you didn’t He…?

But Joy Comes In The Morning

Weeping May Endure For A Night, But Joy Comes In The Morning

I would like to say to those who are going through something, that God loves you and knows the pain that you have endured. He is just and will redeem you in His way and in His time. We are all here but for a moment and in that small moment, the enemy is going to pit us against one another using many tactics…race, religion, sexual preference, drugs, etc…you name it. What ever he can use to keep us confused, busy, conflicted, and distracted long enough to miss out on God and Eternity, is alright with him(devil). But like I said we are here but for a moment.

This is not our home. This is a place of testing, of battling for our souls, of decision making as to our destiny. Life can be really nice and it can also be really rough, but we cannot allow all the good or the bad to get us sidetracked from our true reality. The trials we face daily can break us, but we must turn to God. The devil is counting on us giving up, turning to drugs, committing suicide, & hating one another. The enemy hates us to the core, and would do and say anything to keep us away from the truth, our free gift of eternity. constantly trying to tempt us to think that this temporary world means everything. Anything he can do to make you turn away from or to deny God, he will do it.

But I encourage you to stand firm through all your test and trials, for this is just for a little while. Nothing can compare to Eternity with God and His loving peace FOREVER!!!

When you look around things can look pretty bad, but I implore you to trust GOD… to go by what you know not what you see.  And we know that JESUS has already WON.  Once you’re saved, you’re free. It doesnt matter what anyone does to your body…Your soul remains free.

Matthew 10:28 “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

You see, these bodies of ours start to die the day we are born. They were not built to last forever, but just to serve as a temporary coat that allows us to walk on this earth.  And with each coat comes an expiration date.  So at death, when its time for us to check our coats back in, we can be assured as to our final destination with God. This is the whole reason for your being here…not to kick it, not to make money, not to buy the biggest house you can.  Those are temporary pleasures and blessings.

But the main reason means Everything…the reason you’re living this life…To find God through all the trials, through all the tragedies, through all the mess. I’m truly thankful that someone told me about God, who loved me in the midst of my mess, sin and shame…that He would send His only begotten Son just to Save you and me!!!!!!

JESUS died for our sins to make things right between God and man…and to atone for our wrongs and to set us free from eternal death and seperation from God…He also sent the Holy Spirit to help us daily. ALL OF THIS, for us!!!  And so I ask myself…What kind of love is this???  And I conclude that It is one that I cannot and refuse to live without.

May God Bless You All….Im Praying For You!!!

In His Love,


Finding Yourself In God

Self -satisfaction is our main obstacle…how could something that feels so right be so wrong?…Truth is, no matter how good it looks or how great it feels…if its not of GOD, then its wrong…

I know that its hard to die to self…especially when the flesh wants what it wants…But to die to self is the beginning of truly living…

To give up your will, ways and wants…for GOD’s will, path and purpose…is to Love and Trust the Lord with your whole heart…and this allows you to truly be free…

Free because your attachment is to GOD and NOT to this world or the things and/or people in it…

The plans that GOD has for your life becomes clear and you are able to move forward without hesitation…For you NOW know that its not about you and its all about HIM

You are free because fear has been replaced by faith…You are in full understanding of who you are and who’s you are…

For he that will save his life shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for Christ sake, shall find it…

Let go of self and grab a hold of GOD

Be Blessed!!!  Amen.

God Bless You,

BambiGod’s Child


Don’t Be Distracted


I see ALL Nationalities dying from different causes/reasons…Whether its just or unjust…We are all still dying!!!

Everyday, there are many stories…of our loved ones…lost…And our concentration is mainly on the how and/or why…

Of course I understand why our concentration is directed to our lost, because it hurts!!!

But are we ready???…Are our houses in order???…Now, this should be our focus.

If the devil had his way, he would keep us so distracted with this and that…that we would not give any time or thought as to where we are ultimately going once we die…Distracted with hurt, hate, differences, life, etc….

Be ready if and when death comes…No matter how it comes…


Trust GOD and love each other…Why?

Because GOD said to…Also stay focused…keep your eyes on the prize…An Everlasting Life with GOD!!!

God Bless,

Bambi-God’s Child

Jesus: Real Leadership…Real Strength

You want to know what it is to be a true leader?  You want to know what real strength looks like and how true bravery works?  Then I dare you to take a look at the life of  JESUS.

You see, I grew up watching gangsters go at it…I had thought that they were tough…But never once did I ever see or even hear about any of them willingly hand themselves over without a fight to their enemies…


The bruises HE took for All of Us…Not one of Us could have stood and took them…NOT ONE!!!

JESUS was on a mission…HE wasn’t worried about being a Boss, or all the things this world had to offer…No…HE knew who HE was and why HE came…HE wasn’t trying to hold on to this life…But HE came to save lives by dying on the Cross and bringing us Salvation…HE was giving us life (eternal) in return for HIS….The Ultimate Sacrifice…The Ultimate Show of Strength…The Ultimate Act of Love…NOW THAT’S TOUGH!!!

JESUS helps us all to see what is real and is everlasting vs. what is delusion and short-lived…

We all need YOU LORD JESUS…right NOW!!!

God Bless You,

Bambi God’s Child

He’s More Than Enough



God Bless You,

Bambi – God’s Child

Get Ready To Feast!!!


Some of us are quick to throw out our relationship with Christ when we find out that the people we trust, isn’t really walking right…But I want to save you some time and pain… LISTEN!!!

What GOD has for you is for you…HE will use whomever to teach you…

STOP!!! Getting offended…and Start Feasting…

I have learned from so many people and they were not perfect…still on their journey…drunks, drug addicts, drug dealers, back-slidden preachers, etc….

If your busy judging… You can’t see what GOD has for YOU!!!

You’re too busy paying attention to their mess, instead of getting the message…

GOD allowed for you and that person to cross paths for two reasons…

1. So that you could learn something from them…

2. So that you could pray and intercede for them…

So don’t miss your blessings…Stop Judging and Start Feasting…


God Bless You!!!

Bambi – God’s Child

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