After God's Own Heart Ministries

After God's Own Heart Ministries

Our Mission: To reach the world for Christ through the medium of the internet and other social media.

Lord God I Love You…BUT!!!

November 12, 2014 | Comments Off on Lord God I Love You…BUT!!!

Let us do this one last thing, and then we will get it right…We don’t want to relinquish our “driving rights” of life and completely hand them over to GOD…WE want to stay in full control of our situations…To be able to change it up at anytime when we feel like it…Yes we want GOD to fix it, but we want to dictate just how/when it should be fixed…(for example)…This man/woman gives you what you want, when you know GOD has exactly what you need, but yet we choose to go with what we want instead…We (all) know that there is something inside of us that we are holding on to…May it be out of habit, addiction, comfort, etc….its standing in the way of us giving our all to GOD…And we consciously know it…but that habit…well, its just so comfortable, and that addiction…it just feels so good…that you find yourself with repeated words of…Let us do this one last thing, and then we will get it right…only to find yourself on a continuous carousel ride of life that deceives and feels way too good to get off.


((You know the one))…The day when you get serious!!!  When you get tired of playing “feel good”…When you are truly ready to be set free…You will continue to cry out to GOD, saying LORD SET ME FREE…Just to turn and walk away…Saying in your heart…THAT’S OK…I GOT THIS…LORD GOD, I LOVE YOU…BUT!!!

God Bless You,

Bambi – God’s Child

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