After God's Own Heart Ministries

After God's Own Heart Ministries

Our Mission: To reach the world for Christ through the medium of the internet and other social media.

It’s Just For A Season

October 14, 2014 | Comments Off on It’s Just For A Season

The Summer is Hot!!!

It’s just for a season.

The Winter is Cold!!!

It’s just for a season.

The rain just pours!!!

It’s just for a season.

The Fall is so nice and colorful!!!

It’s just for a season.

The sun, the rain, the hot, the cold…they are all just for a season…they come and they go…

How you handle each season that occurs in your life is what matters…You can go thru it in your

own strength or with the Ultimate strength which is GOD, who loves you…

Your season can either strengthen you or break you…It’s up to you to pass the test…

Once you past one Testing Season…Trust…That another one is coming…

Adjust your attitude…Take a step back…Now!!!

Fearlessly allow GOD to move into position…In Front, In Back…Yes, all around you…

With every season…In or Out…Trust GOD to lead and guide you…

No Storm/Season/Test is too hard for GOD…We will all have our seasons…but remember…that its just a season…

The dark moments of our lives will last only so long as is necessary for GOD to accomplish His purpose in us…

God Bless You,

Bambi – God’s Child

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